An RSA certificate is a must if you want to work in any licensed venue that sells or serves alcohol. in SA, WA, NT, QLD, or VIC. These courses cover everything you need to know about the responsible service of alcohol.
The Food Safety Supervisor Course delivered by CFT teaches students about the correct food safety supervision procedures in a range of important roles.
If you already have a Food Safety Supervisor Certificate, it needs to be kept up-to-date and valid. Refresher courses allow you to update your certificate without having to start from scratch.
Food Safety bosses in South Australia say they have seen a spike in cases of a gastro infection linked to shellfish after people ate raw oysters. SA Health’s acting director of Food and Controlled Drugs Branch, Joanne Cammans, said there have been 36 cases of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infections linked to eating raw oysters since September. That’s compared to no cases in 2020 and eight cases in 2019.
Health safety bosses said they are “concerned”. “This increase in cases reported to us in such a short period of time is very concerning, as food-borne illnesses can be quite serious for more vulnerable people in our community, such as older South Australians, pregnant people and people with compromised immune systems,” Ms Cammans said.
“The infection can be acquired by eating undercooked shellfish and fish however raw oysters are often the most common cause.”
The infection causes gastro symptoms including diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever and headache, usually within 24 hours of eating the contaminated food.
Primary Industries bosses are investigating if anything might have affected the number of cases but said food safety rules were being followed at oyster farms.
“The number of cases can vary substantially from year to year, and it is difficult to pinpoint the potential cause,” Nathan Rhodes, executive director of biosecurity at the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA), said.
“Inspections by PIRSA officers have found food safety practices are being appropriately applied on farm.”
Mr Rhodes said raw unshucked oysters should be stored at less than 10 degrees Celsius and shucked oysters at less than 5 degrees Celsius to minimise the risk of infection.